if you need to use schema console you need to first register the console:
run in a elevated command prompt:
regsvr32 C:\Windows\System32\schmmgmt.dll
after that you can lunch the mmc then from the File menu click Add / Remove Snap-in, select in the right window Active Directory Schema and click Add and then OK.
30 October 2013
18 October 2013
Script prerequisites
if you need to ensure your script with powershell minimum version, loaded module, PSSnapin you can use the #Requires statement :
#Requires -Version 3.0
#Requires -Modules ActiveDirectory
#Requires -Version 3.0
#Requires -Modules ActiveDirectory
08 October 2013
Send mail message from powershell
Send-MailMessage -From "user@domain.com" -To "user@domain.com" -Subject "subject" -Body "Message" -SmtpServer servername.local
or by using splatting:
$body = "body message"
$email = @{
From = "user@domain.com"
To = "user@domain.com"
Subject = "subject"
SMTPServer = "servername.local"
Body = $body
Send-MailMessage @email
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