12 February 2014

Execute sheduled task on remote computer

verify task status:

schtasks /query /S finly /TN "Delta Group Synchronization"

execuite task:
schtasks /query /S computername /TN "Delta Group Synchronization"

Net Logon service - enabling debug logging (dbflag)

Enabling the net logon service debug logging can be done using the nltest command.

example: nltest /dbflag:0x00000004 - logon processing

after you modify the flug restart net logon service.

logfile can be found in %windir%\debug\netlogon.log

After the debugging is finished, you can reset the debug flag to zero by running:

nltest /dbflag:0x0

don't forget to restart net logon service.

full list of dbflag codes cen be found on technet.

05 February 2014

Find user in active directory with missing or empty attribute

Get-ADUser -Filter {-not (employeeid -like "*") }

will return all object that have the property empty.

using $null to match the filter citeria will result in an error:

Get-ADUser : The search filter cannot be recognized