01 October 2015

Powershell data types

Variable type
An array

Yes-no value
[boolean]$flag = $true
Unsigned 8-bit integer, 0...255
[byte]$value = 12
Individual unicode character
[char]$a = "t"
Date and time indications
[datetime]$date = "12.Nov 2004 12:30"
Decimal number
[decimal]$a = 12
$a = 12d
Double-precision floating point decimal
$amount = 12.45
Globally unambiguous 32-byte identification number
[guid]$id = [System.Guid]::NewGuid()
Hash table

16-bit integer with characters
[int16]$value = 1000
[int32], [int]
32-bit integers with characters
[int32]$value = 5000
[int64], [long]
64-bit integers with characters
[int64]$value = 4GB
Widens another data type to include the ability to contain null values. It can be used, among others, to implement optional parameters
[Nullable``1[[System.DateTime]]]$test = Get-Date
$test = $null
PowerShell object

Regular expression
$text = "Hello World"
[regex]::split($text, "lo")
8-bit integers with characters
[sbyte]$value = -12
PowerShell scriptblock

[single], [float]
Single-precision floating point number
[single]$amount = 44.67
[string]$text = "Hello"
PowerShell switch parameter

Time interval
[timespan]$t = New-TimeSpan $(Get-Date) "1.Sep 07"

Unsigned 16-bit integer
[uint16]$value = 1000
Unsigned 32-bit integer
[uint32]$value = 5000
Unsigned 64-bit integer
[uint64]$value = 4GB
XML document

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